This Friday 18th October will see the start of the 2019/2020 Shoalhaven Mariners Baseball Junior season down at Ison Park South Nowra.
This year we will be welcoming new coaches to the field with fresh ideas and lots of energy to cater for all ages 4 to 14 years old.
T-ball will be running with our 4 teams. Stingrays, Seahawks, Dolphins and Sharks with room still available for 4 year old to 7 year old children interested. T-ball starts at 530pm with a range of skill building training and obstacle courses before they finish the night off with games against each other.
Our combined Zooka and Junior Baseball will once again be running this year Stingrays verses Seahawks with the possibilities of splitting into individual competitions if enough interest is shown. Zooka/Junior baseball starts at 5pm with training starting with basics training learning how to catch, throw and bat to more advanced learning techniques, pitching, catching and positional Fielding. We still have plenty of spots available in teams.
We also cater for a Junior travelling team who consist of children aged between 10yrs-15yrs with a range of abilities playing against Illawarra teams on a Sunday Morning at Fred Finch Park in Berkeley. With a few of our last year players ageing up we can still accommodate a couple more if you would like to take your baseball to the next level.
For all our Friday night competition we have full Canteen facilities from drinks and a snack to hot freshly cooked food.
Registrations are now being taking for the upcoming season so come along to Ison Park South Nowra on Friday afternoon from 5 pm and get started.
For any further enquiries about the upcoming 2019/2020 Junior Baseball season please contact Samantha Harbinson on 0472713114.